Sunday, March 27, 2011

Floor fallout


Today was the choir's home concert at the Free Methodist church in Greenville. It went so well. I sang for Down to the River, and it was such fun.

It was so sad though... this was the last tour program concert. My last real choir concert. We're now just getting ready to sing the Bach Magnificat and the Chamber Singers are singing a Cantata as well for April 17th with the American Cantorae (or however you spell that) out of St. Louis.

I'm in a funny mood. I feel like it's Spring. It just feels like it is. Even though it snowed yesterday. Maybe It's a turning of seasons spiritually rather than actually making judgements off the stupid midwest weather patterns. Yup. That'd be stupid to attempt that. I've just been getting excited for what God is doing and yet to do in my life.

Don't get me wrong. I keep freaking out. What the heck... I'm graduating in less than two months people. I'm 20 years old. I'm most likely moving to Nashville in August. Yeah. Kinda scary.

My life has been a series of identity crises. I was a junior in high school and a freshman in college at the same time. A senior in high school and a sophomore in college at the same time the following year. Then upon coming to Greenville, I was junior in College, but 18 years old, and placed with all the freshmen for a while because BCC (home community college) sent my transcripts late. And so I felt sort of at odds with life. And now, I'm a senior, about to graduate among all these other seniors who are 2 or 3 or even 4 years older... many of which are married and engaged, or at least seriously dating. Keep in mind I go to a small Christian Liberal Arts college. Half of my friends are married. Many even younger than I am. And it's not weird. I take it back... it's very weird. But not uncommon. Sometimes I'm jealous. When I was a kid I thought I'd be one of them. Life takes you by surprise sometimes though.

So now this point of my life isn't so surprising, though I have no idea what to do with myself.

I'm used to a fast pace. I'm used to doing things somewhat off the wall. I like living life with the full on unexpected charging full speed ahead. I like excitement. I enjoy change. When things get to be too predictable, I get bored.

I'm a firm believer that having the rug swept from under you is a way to keep in good shape. However, when the entire floor pops out, I get a little clueless.

So I guess you could say that's where I am right now.

Sure the sky isn't falling, but the floor is gone.

The joys of being me. Not a thing makes sense. Or cents. I feel so broke right about now. That was off topic.

Anyway! There really isn't much going on, even though I feel overwhelmed at some points. I've been working (teaching), and going to classes and all of that normal stuff. I have a lot more time to just hang out with people, which has been grand.

I've also been writing a lot. I wrote a whole song last week, and a bridge for the song "Belong" that I wrote about a few weeks ago. I love the song. I actually may rewrite a line. I want it to be perfect. And I've been actually enjoying the rewriting process lately. I usually hate it. I feel like crucifying my hands when I have to rewrite something. I just can't do it sometimes. But it's been good. So in addition to writing a whole new song called "That's the Way," and nearly finishing "Belong," I wrote a Bridge to another song called "In the Eyes," and rewrote nearly the entire thing for a song from December called "My Side." It's been a good writing week, and I'm looking forward to having more time to write this week too.

On Friday I went Swing dancing! Yes. Yes I did. And it was entirely grand. The next day, Yesterday, a few of us got together and just used youtube clips and learned a ton of new flips and dips and aerials and had so much fun. I am so sore today. Last night I couldn't sleep. It even hurt to lay in bed. Haha the best part is I would have danced again if you asked me to. I took some tylenol and went to sleep. Woke up and took some more. Cracked my neck, and I'm good as new. So far.

My room is full of posters of dancing couples. I just love to dance. I quite literally pray that God will bring me a man who likes to dance. Even if he doesn't already dance, that he'll learn. He'll learn and he'll like it. Or else we may have some problems. Because I love to dance. And I don't wanna give it up because he doesn't like to dance. Yes, I am a diva in some ways. I agree.

So hopefully some time soon i'll post a video or something with some swing stuff some friends and I have been learning. Ahhh how I love to dance! Ok, that's all. Time for bed.

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