Thursday, March 10, 2011

Falling flowers

Ahh how life can get ya down. Tonight is just one of those nights. Tonight I was working on a new song called Belong. Yes, I am a bit dramatic at times with my lyrics. But this song, I believe I can say it is quite truthful right now. It's not about any one experience. It's like every day of my life I gather a flower to carry into my bundle I keep in my hands... eventually my little hands can't contain them all anymore, and my grasp feels like a rubber band stretched too far. It happens every so often... it gets to be too much. What I hate to see happen is just see an entire garden fall from my hands onto the ground. So, even when it takes everything I have, and even everything I don't have, I try to toss everything up in the air, so I can close my eyes, and breathe in the fragrance of falling flowers.

So Belong is a song written out of another shower of all those flowers that used to belong in my hands.

Maybe one day you'll hear it. It needs a bit more work. But I like it enough, I think I'll keep working on it until it's done.

Ah, I had been so dry with songs lately... when something is on my mind, I can only write about that. Most of the time anyway. You'd think that'd be great. But then, what about the times you just wish more than anything not to think anymore? Yeah. I'd call it writer's block, but it's no such thing. It's merely reluctance to spend yet another moment on the very thing that can drive me mad.

So, Belong might be a song that gets to the bottom line of everything that's been going through my head. No more zipping through the vines like Tarzan anymore. Doesn't mean I'm out of the woods though. Nope, still there.

I'm sorry if none of this makes sense. I could write songs all night I feel like. If only I had a piano in my room. Or if I could play guitar like a decent music major. Yeah. That'd be fab. If only.

Now, to bed. Yes please.

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