Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 2!

Day 2! It is pretty much unreal that I'm still awake. We basically lost 2 hours between Daylight Savings, and the time change...

Today was long but so great. Trina and I woke up several times last night, shivering. I ended up with four blankets on my blow up mattress in Atlanta. It was crazy... we don't understand how it got so cold. So we didn't exactly have the best night of sleep.

We ate sausage, bacon and cheese omelets for breakfast which were wonderful, and then headed back to Chris Stoke's church to sing for 3 services. It was a serious battle to stay awake by the third service.

After we were done, we ate, and set out on the bus. Next stop, Gainsville.

I'll probably write a more detailed version of today while I'm on the bus tomorrow. I am seriously tired right now. So that's what I'll do. We have 9 hours on the bus tomorrow, for which I am excited for, because I'm zonked. Florida tomorrow!

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