Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Also... I think I mentioned how a friend of mine, Storm Sharrett, and I had been cowriting a lot at school. We're planning on continuing to work together, which is definitely difficult, but very cool. We made some good progress today on a song called "Taking." It is most lovely. I enjoy it very much.

I love stretching myself through working with people with different strengths and weaknesses. It pushes me.

Also, I love cowriting with people who don't let me use any "filler" lines. People who are as critical of my work as I am of theirs. But the people who also match my weaknesses with their strengths. And then in the end, we're so much better and learn how to be better in the areas we were never very strong in.

It's very cool.

Anyway, we're keeping a blog. Or more I tell Storm to update it and he does. Well, that only happened once. But here is our blog. I've decided to call our work my side project... my focus is what Zach and Caleigh and I are working on. Anyway, Storm and I call ourselves Concepts. Because when we write and discuss lyrics, it comes up without fail... "Maybe not that exact line... but the concept."

And so goes the writing process with Concepts.

Here's the blog:

And here is the facebook page. Like it!

Maybe we'll get a song up sometime soon. T'would be exciting:)

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