Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hello all!

I am currently at the Philly airport, waiting for my flight to Chicago. Then to St. Louis. I have 2 more weeks of classes, and then finals and then graduation. My life is amazing. And so unplanned in so many ways. I have a lot of thoughts to share...

OK, so the past 10 days I spent at home, in Jersey. Laura and Ben got married yesterday and it was breath taking. Laura was the most beautiful bride I've seen. She's married now!! All I kept thinking about during the whole ceremony as one of her brides maids was a day we spent at beach 3 in Medford Lakes, maybe 2 years ago. I remember wearing a charcoal t-shirt, and a pair of navy blue shorts on that summer day. We put our feet in the water as we sat on the dock, and talked.

Laura was so downcast. It was such a confusing time in her life. I remember it well. And then last night... the moment she walked down the aisle, holding onto her father's arm, towards Ben, who couldn't look away from the vision of the woman he's waited for all his life... I couldn't help but cry. They'd made it to the other side. God brought them together. And I got to see it all happen. From the other side, the crossing over, and then the wedding.

And then hearing them say their beautiful vows, and watching them light the unity candle, watching Ben and Laura put their heads together to pray during the special music... words cannot express.

I hope I continue to get to be a part of Laura's and Ben's lives.

It was like a holy moment when Laura walked in with her dad last night. Everyone was quiet. It was such a moment in history in all of our lives. To be witnesses of such a beautiful moment. Such a beautiful thing, such an anticipated and prayed for event.

And Laura was so pure. And presented to her Groom. White. Lovely. She had been kept pure, and we could all share in the joy in the union that God crafted.

I could go on and on.

But I'm going to stop here.

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