Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm sad now

Well, the tat is not tattooed yet. But that's only because Zach has too much homework tonight. He's finishing up some summer class stuff.

So, some time soon. Fear not all of you who anticipate. It will happen.

So, tonight I have been extremely nostalgic. I miss my friends at Greenville. I miss taking naps and waking up to Trina staring at me from her bed right across from mine. I miss walking into the bathroom before I've even really opened my eyes and making a fool of myself to my neighbors as they're blowing their hair dry. I miss enjoying the music Diana has on while she's taking a shower. I miss the hilariousness that would happen outside my window from the Kinney boys. Trina and I would laugh even though the words were quite profane. Quite.

I miss the long walk that would take too long every time from Tenney to wherever I was going. I'd take it now.

I miss running up and down College Ave with Kirstie.

I miss hanging out in the lounge with Blakeley and Em. I miss seeing our adorable cleaning lady, and complimenting her on her new haircut.

I miss seeing Elijah from across campus, and keeping eye contact the entire time until we spontaneously swing dance, and then act like nothing happened as we continue on our way.

I miss seeing Storm walk into the lounge in Whitlock, and saying, "One fif?" And that hilarious double chin "uhum, yeah gurl." look says it all. And bam, beautiful harms (harmonies) would occur instantaneously.

I miss running to the library again and again during our vespers practices.

I miss David in the DC. He'd make my gluten free stuff a lot. And he was hilarious. I'd pretend to boss him around sometimes. Maybe I wasn't pretending. But he was a good sport. Sometimes his cooking wasn't the best. But he was fun.

I miss just knowing everyone, and loving on them as I walk from class to class.

I adored those long and late nights in the studio with so many amazing people. Being creative, and fully feeling and enjoying the music we've made.

I miss completely destroying my arms and my carpal tunnel from doing Cartwheels swing dancing.

I miss taking Kirstie's clothes all the time, and then never giving them back... I gotta mail her basketball shorts back. And her sweatshirt. It says her name on it... no one would believe it's mine...

I miss everyone. I miss the DC and eating with everyone. And laughing. And crying like last Tuesday... it just all came down on me at once that I was leaving and not coming back as a student.

It's all hitting me now too, since Nathanael left Tuesday, Courtney left yesterday, and Storm left today. I miss them all, and now I'm sad. That's all I have to say really. Now I'm sad.

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