Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This is the song I mentioned yesterday. Please, be merciful. I am no recording engineer, and my garage band work is by no means wonderful.

I think I'm gonna start posting more of my songs though, because it's just like blogging... I'm sharing what's on my mind. The only difference is a song is more musical.

Here are the words

The darkness
That surfaces the deep
The spaces
I hushed, they tried to speak

Dreadfuls in my hands
They try to fill the cracks

The black and the white
The darkness from the light
The dreadful dusts ignite
The wrongs and the right
The lovelies from the night
The dreadful cuffs collide

The rain drops
That gather in the street
The night sky
To ponder as we sleep

My left hand and my right
Are thrown inside my pockets
The reaching's reached the end
And I'll never hold the sun

Ok, since this is my blog, I'm going to explain this song. As a songwriter, I actually don't like explaining my songs. I take that back. I LOVE explaining them. But a good songwriter shouldn't have to. So I try not to. The song should do that. I shouldn't have to. But since this is my blog, and I write and yap all the time, I'm going to explain it.

I read in Genesis 1:2 this:

"Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters."

I was just stunned with the imagery and the beauty of that.

And listen to this... verse 3 says this:

"And God said 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness."

Ok, how amazing is that... God created light when there was darkness. And He saw that it was good, and then He separated the light form the darkness. If you read my lyrics, maybe it's starting to make sense now...

And Genesis 15:12 says this:

"As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him."

Ok that was when God spoke to Abram in a dream. I read the word dreadful, and felt like singing it would feel good. And i liked how darkness was called dreadful.

Now put all of those verses together. And what my song means is this:

The absence of light is darkness. Light is what came because of God. So in my song, I state the dreadfuls. The darkness. The darknesses that happen in life. And how there are spaces and ditches in life that the enemy can fill with His darkness. So the first verse where it says "dreadful the darkness that surfaces the deep," That's like saying the darkness exists. And "mindful the spaces I hushed, they tried to speak" is like saying the darkness is mindful of the life (my life) it can claim, and how I try to keep away from it.

"Dreadfuls in my hands they try to fill the cracks" is like saying darkness tries to hold my hand. Like the spaces between my fingers, perfect for another hand to occupy. Like a thief, cunning and sweet until it gets what it wants. Like the enemy uses cunning and sweet language to try to sway us, so does darkness (dreadfuls) try to take us for fools and cause us to stumble. Cause us to believe lies. Holding another's hand is such a soft, gentle and sweet gesture. Saying dreadfuls try to hold my hands is like saying the enemy uses cunning schemes to cause me to fall.

So the chorus is like calling the separation form the light and darkness. By calling attention, and declaring the difference, by calling the enemy out on what he tries to do, he is exposed. "Dreadful dusts ignite" it's like saying the enemy is exposed.

And "the dreadful cuffs collide" is like saying the bondage of the darkness is broken.

"Delightful the raindrops that gather in the street" is basically showing imagery of freedom. Also, this is where it would never make sense to anyone without me explaining it... I read through the story of Noah that day I wrote this song, and the rainbow was a promise of God's faithfulness after rain. So there's that connotation for me by mentioning rain. Also, what creates a rainbow is light coming through a raindrop as the spectrum. Yeah. You never would have guessed my meaning for that huh...

Then "beautiful the night sky to ponder as we sleep" is like saying sometimes we're taken by the beauty of darkness. Sometimes we find it lovely. Sometimes the enemy is so wonderfully crafty, we mistake his deception as truth. And it exists even when we aren't there to take notice of it. Even when we sleep.

The bridge
"My left hand and my right
Are thrown inside my pocket
The reaching's reached the end
And I'll never hold the sun" is basically saying when darkness (dreadfuls) try to hold my hands and I realize it, I try to pull my hands away and throw them in my pockets. Sometimes that's like taking matters into my own hands, and instead of reaching towards God (light), I go to myself instead. Then I cannot hold onto God (light/sun), I'm too busy keeping my hands in my pockets.

And then when that happens, it calls for calling out the darkness (dreadfuls) in the act, and finding the light once it can be separated from the darkness. Because it is Good, like Genesis 1:3 says. The light was good, so it was separated from the darkness.

Ok. That's my song, and the reasons behind it.

Leave me a comment if you have any thoughts, for I would love to hear anything good or bad.

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