Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good morning white people!

This morning was grand. I think I've blogged about how Caleigh and I are sharing a twin bed this summer. It gets rough. But we had a discussion recently that we've gotten really good at it. We haven't gotten in fist fights in the middle of the night for a few days now. But we woke up this morning, and of course found our mom sitting on the end of our bed. Sophia was just waking up too, and slowly Olivia, Lena and Melodi came in too. It's become pretty common this summer waking up to every female in my family practically on top of me. Sometimes even my grandma's there. It's hilarious.

My mom wanted to know about my day yesterday, since I was out. Cal kept snuggling up to me, but eventually got tired of it and went to brush her teeth. So Lena took her place. Melodi plopped on top of me and told me she liked my hair. Sleep still stuck between my eyes and reality, I lay there still in bed. The lights were on. The fan still cooling the air in the room.

It was just nice. That's all I wanted to say. I'm gonna miss it when I'm back at school.

Oh, and to explain the title... my dad used to wake Zach, Cal and I up in the morning by screaming that in our doorways and then opening our blinds to literally blind the sleep out of our hearts. It still stings sometimes. In all honesty I prefer all the williams ladies next to me instead of someone screaming at me. But it's ok. It's a good memory too.

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