Monday, April 26, 2010


Today is my mom and dad's 24th wedding anniversary! I had quite a few dates to remember not to forget lately, and I'm happy to say I remembered each one, and even wished my mom happy anniversary first, though at an unmerciful hour after I stayed up way too late finishing The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I've been reading more lately, which I absolutely love. I love to read. I miss reading as much as I used to. I think my junior year in high school I charted over 50 books I read during that school year. I think I'm about at 5 or so now... that stinks.

Anyway, I decided I wanted to blog about my parents. Since today is their anniversary, since I'm such a reflective person, I naturally have been thinking about how awesome they are and how much I'm thankful for them. I've heard so many people argue that homeschooling is the only possible right answer for education, but I think it's pretty obvious that is not at all correct. I think there are certain families and situations that make homeschooling as great as it can be. When I look back over growing up, I can see how much the people my parents are made the path straight for us little Williams children.Before we started taking outside classes, my mom made school fun, though we'd complain probably everyday... how can any homeschool student enjoy school enough not to on occasion? I remember crying about math ceaselessly to the point that my mom was probably crying harder than me. My dad was the one who taught me how to to do long division and how to do a lot of multiplication. My mom had to pass the "project" on to someone who could handle me while she transfered her academic attention elsewhere.

My parents were perfect for homeschooling my brothers and sisters and I. I can still remember singing worship songs, led by none other than the all powerful singing voice of my mother as we gathered the table at 8 o'clock. Hey, if we didn't do that, how else would I ever learn the old songs like, "Jehovah Jireh?" I think that was Zach's favorite for a while, until he turned to "I could sing of your love forever." It used to be written on the border of his old bedroom. After singing, my mom had us all take turns picking out a Bible verse we liked, and we'd have to share it with everyone (meaning mom and the other classmates/aka siblings), and say why we liked it, and then we'd have to memorize it and write it in our notebooks. Mom had us memorize Psalms and Proverbs. We were always in the midst of memorizing something.

Sometimes my dad would read to us, when the mom was busy with something else. We didn't argue with dad nearly as much. One look from him, and we knew we'd better stop complaining or it'd get very uncomfortable very soon. He never raised his voice. It was like his silent call to attention set us straight, and almost in fear.

My parents always encouraged us to chase after our dreams with all we've got. They encouraged us to dream, and always did everything they possibly could do to enable us to achieve them. But, they didn't just encourage us to dream, and then leave us to our "star light start bright, first star I see tonight" rhymes. They dreamed with us. They still do.

My parents are incredible people. I couldn't imagine having anyone else for a mom, or anyone else as a dad. I hope I can be a wife and mom the way my mom is and has been, and I hope I marry a man just like my dad. Their relationship is beautiful, and I praise God for placing exactly them in my life to watch and model myself after.

So.... Happy Anniversary! Hope you found someone to watch the little blonde haired chickens so you could go out tonight!

Annnnnd now. Back to work.


  1. Okay, I figured out how to post and sign in! Yay! A feat in itself!
    Shaina, you made me cry. I remember singing with you guys around the table and thinking "I certainly hope they don't have my voice!!" But, it was the worship that meant so much, even "Jehovah Jirah." Or better yet, "This is the day!!!" Ha! Well, I am thankful for remembrances like this one. It makes it easier to carry on, knowing that even when the little chickens and I have some bad days, that maybe they too will remember the good days, and the fun days, and look back with fondness, like you just did. Thank you!!!
    By the way, we didn't get out alone. Maybe when you get home???????

  2. what a beautiful post :) You're awesome Shaina!
