Friday, May 18, 2012

On the ball

I guess things are improving in my life. I've been blogging a lot more. I also wrote a song on Tuesday night. I also wrote two bridges for two different songs with Zach last night. Bridges are always my weakness.

I cleaned through a bunch of drawers in my dresser last night, and I feel so accomplished. I also ran 2.5 miles last night, and that made me feel like I'm more on the ball.

I'm definitely going to aim for a song a day again this summer. I love goals... I seriously love love love goals. They keep me chasing. They keep me focused.

As I read over all the accumulating statuses on facebook about graduation... I cannot express my relief that I do not have to go through that again. Refer back to this time last year. I was devastated. I was so frustrated and confused, and had zero direction for my life there on out.

Now, it's almost similar in some ways, truly. But, alas... I'm not nearly as in the dark as I was a year ago today. Thank the Lord.

Honestly, when I think about how desperate and frustrated I was last year leading up to, during and after graduation... that is the one time in my life I could talk about forever, but would never ever in a million years want to experience again.

This time, however... we'll see how frustrating this summer is. I'm not anticipating it being frustrating really, at all. I'm excited for it.

yes, a lot of things are changing in my life. Especially over the summer. But I'm not afraid of it, nor am I in denial, nor do I want it to hold off, or come sooner. I'm pretty content with the changes yet to come.

So. Here's to the 18th of May. May is going by so fast, and I'm more than ok with that. Let's just keep the ball rolling. Ok, maybe I am a little impatient.

Good day to you all.

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