Monday, May 14, 2012

These days

I took some time today to read some old posts of mine. I read from May 2010. An interesting time in my life. It is so unique in the time that it was. But as I read over old posts from May 2010, I realize how content I was. I was just soaking it all up. Soaking up that time, because it was slipping out of my hands.

When I was hanging out with Laura this weekend, I remembered and started to miss the times Laura and I went to school together at BCC. We have such hilarious memories from that time.

I remember writing lyrics about how I knew that one day, I'd actually miss those days I was experiencing.

Now as I look back, I truly, with perfect ease, can say... Yeah. Those were good days.

At the time I was impatient to get them over with. I was stressed. A full time college student, and a full time high school student, and working.

The overcommitted person you know me as, was very similar then.

But as that time was drawing to a close, I became so conscious that those days were about to be gone forever.

Two years ago, i knew my Junior year of college at Greenville was about to vanish before my eyes. Things were going to change. Unrepeatable.

Now, my first year after college is about to end. Really. My time as a 2nd grade teacher is about to close. My time with all these same staff and faculty... it's going to be different next year. My time away from Caleb... that. That can change. Cause I miss him so bad.

But really... so many things are about to change, and I think it's time I start allowing my sentimental side to step in. It's about time I just started to absorb this time, instead of dreading so much of it.

I wrote a song right before I graduated High School. It was called, "These Days." The chorus went like this, "I know, I know, these days will go, all together hold on tight, how can we bare to sleep this night away."

I'm tired. But how can I sleep this away?

I'll get to sleep in soon. But right now, I have to be living these moments knowing full well, I will miss these days eventually.

I know I will.

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