Friday, January 27, 2012

Lift me up

Well hi. I'm still kinda sick. So lame. I've been sick over a week now... whenever I mention it to people, they sing the same chorus, "First year teacher..."


Anyway, I don't really know what I feel like talking about. I have a lot of things I wanted to be doing tonight... it's Friday. I'm in love. I can't say it's Friday without saying "I'm in love"... that song I guess. But, it's also the truth. I am in love. There. I said it... :)

Yes dear ones, my heart is etched with a man's name. How good it feels.

I know I keep things very jaded when it comes to socially personal issues. I tell all about things going on in my own life that concern only me... but for the sake of other people, I tend to keep other things very private.

But if anyone cares about my love-life... it is freaking awesome.

Because Caleb Arb is freaking awesome.

Oh my goodness, he is my favorite person alive. My best friend. My biggest fan... you know what's funny, is I've heard that line before. "Shaina I'm your biggest fan."

But I actually really do feel like he is my biggest support. He lifts me up.

It's like the difference of wearing high heels, and standing on my tiptoes.

Life before Caleb: me with flats, and no arch support.

Life dating the best guy in the world: the heels that girls drool over, complete with height that helps people take little 5 foot 2 Shai seriously.

In the past "I'm your biggest fan" was like standing on my tiptoes. Tiring, and false advertisement. It's hard to walk when you're on your toes. One wrong move, and you're on your behind, on the floor. So much for walking with confidence. So much for being lifted up... It was more like following orders, and wishful thinking.

So. I think I've caught some gold in Caleb. He lifts me up. But who needs shoes when you're walking in the clouds... I've got it bad, my friends. I've got it bad.

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