Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reflections lost at sea

September 2011 is officially the month I blogged least since I started this blog nearly two years ago.

That said, let's get going on October.

So I'm studying James right now. And I decided I'd go through it with a few different translations, and also with a friend, Lesa. It's been very cool. She is sooo mway fab!

So I've read a little bit in The Message translation. I know it's controversial to use The Message, but I think it's just like hearing someone preach on a passage in scripture. It's a little different, and not word for word, but interesting and adds perspective. I know Greek. I could not accept The Message as the Bible. Anyway, it actually really struck a chord in me.

James 1:7-8 says "Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who 'worry their prayers' are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all of your options open. "

Dang. It.

Ok, so you know what? I keep my options open. In several areas of life.I doubt. Doubting isn't just about God's existence, but His character. When I say, "Yes! That was a Godthing! Thanks God!" but when something else comes along that dazzles my fancy, I'm suddenly right there. Suddenly the "Godthing" becomes a "thanks for holding me over before I decide to get what I want" aka "Not God." aka "my plans."

This is so skewed.

God spoke something to my heart today. When I write, God speaks to me. He inspires me. He write words through my own hands, and causes me to understand.

I live on a lake. It's really pretty, and really reflective. The water reflects to trees, and the houses, and the clouds, and most powerfully, the sun. Sometimes the sun is soooo brightly reflected it hurts my eyes. I'm captivated by the image. The reflection. It's beautiful!

So now... how much more powerful is what is actually REFLECTED?! The sun. I can hardly look into the few feet of reflection in the water. How much more can I NOT bear the entire sun in it's enormity and insane hotness?

So many gifts and blessings God gives are mere reflections. Relationships and friendships model a reflection. They are not the "real thing." They reflect. They only give a glimpse.

A reflection of a glass of water will never satisfy a thirst.

A reflection of a bed with brilliant white puffy pillows will never make me feel revived and rested.

God is the Light. Powerful enough and strong enough to be reflected from far far away, and even in the midst of darkness. In DARKNESS. God chooses to let us be a reflection of Him, when we have nothing to hold the reflection. Think about that... we were lost in darkness. Darkness cannot contain light. It cannot reflect light. yet against all reason, God made a way to allow us to be a reflection of Him.

But that is all... we are a reflection. Reflections point to the real thing. They have to be facing the real thing. And they are only faint in comparison.

So... that's my two cents. When I keep my "options open" like a wind blown wave, it becomes obvious that I'm trusting reflections to keep me satisfied, rested and revived... no good.

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