Friday, October 28, 2011

The bush isn't burning

So yesterday I went to NYC for a Christian Teacher's Convention thing. It was really cool. It was helpful, as I am a teacher. I still can't get over that sometimes...

Anyway, there was this pastor who spoke at the end. And I'm not sure exactly what he said, cause I was mentally and physically exhausted. But so typical... when people speak, sometimes God takes one small thing they say and drills it into me in a different way. Like God catches a curve ball and throws it a little more off course back to me.

The pastor mentioned Moses. I feel like everyone keeps talking about Moses. Moses Moses Moses. And I'm not even at Greenville anymore... (the internet named Moses...)

Anyway, I felt like God was like, "hey wake up..." and my mind wandered a little. Something the pastor said (that I can't remember) made me think "Well dangit, if God spoke to me from a burning bush, shoot dang. I'd listen."

So God comes back at me to basically say, "Shaina. Joy. If you're waiting for a burning bush... it's not gonna happen."

You know how people test God? They put "fleeces" out to see if God will respond to give a sign. Something to encourages us that He's speaking to us, and it's not us messing with our own minds.

So, while I continued to battle my heavy eyelids, God brought a few things to my head.

Like He was saying, "Oh my gosh, you are crafted to reflect me... you love being creative. Let me be creative too."

Like He's saying to stop looking for a burning bush to get my attention. He's gonna do it in new ways. Creative ways. Don't relate everything back to what's already been done.

My expectations of His creativity are too low.

I ask God to do stuff in my life. I ask Him to give me creativity. I'm an artist, you know? Like, i ask Him to inspire me, and to give me words and music. Help me interpret my own art. Haha oh my gosh... I can only receive what He has to give. He gives me creativity. Because He has it.

It's like if I watched the same movie for the rest of my life, and never considered that there could be another really cool one out there, lat alone thousands.

The burning bush was awesome, but He's got more where that came from. That wasn't the only trick He's got up His sleeve.

Whoever walked away from amazing magician after one trick, or just wanted to see the same thing over and over?

So this is the fact, and I'm not sure how to apply it as wisdom yet.

But I think this is a really cool concept... there's more we haven't heard of yet. There's more to what God is up to. He's not the kind to constantly use the same directions or "wow" factors. Sometimes He's got a back road, or something cool to show us in a direction we did not map out for ourselves. Maybe He's gonna get our attention by flying pigs this time... but come on. He gives creativity because He has it to give. Because He holds it all. He created creativity. He didn't even need to be inspired to do so. Inspiration is something we require. But He didn't even need that.

That blows my mind. And let's me relax when I don't see a burning bush.

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