Thursday, February 10, 2011


My my my. How can this be? I've hardly written in the past 2-3 weeks. To say the least, I've had too much to say, and then in other times, nothing at all. In my crazy head, that is substantial.

Things are changing in my life. I can't exactly blog about it all. But in time maybe.

Tomorrow is my Senior Recital Jury. How many times have I blogged about my senior recital? A great many times I am sure. Soon it will all transpire. For this I am excited. It's just so much work... I'm excited for the actual real recital. The jury just makes my skin crawl. I don't exactly like juries. Not when there's a lot of pressure. And this one has a lot of pressure in my opinion.

I just got my second paper cut in less than 24 hours. What is the deal.

I'm rambling, but I don't care.

I keep thinking about the word servant. Servanthood. In my Orientation to Ministry class, we've been discussing the difference between a slave and a servant. How we are called to be servants. How living a life in ministry is a life if servanthood. Not power. Not authority. Not primarily anyway... obviously being in a leadership position holds some authority. But it is a life of servanthood.

It makes me think of romantic relationships too. A friend and I were talking about how easy it is to think of that future relationship with a husband... and think how great it will be for us. How happy we think we'll be. How excited for that time in our lives we are. But that is sort of a selfish way to view things in a way. Of course God wired us a specific way with dreams and desires. But He calls us to be a servant, just as Jesus came into the world to be a servant. He came into the world to be a servant. To serve us.

I suppose relationships are always on my mind. I'm one of "those" girls who has always been excited for the man God will "give" me someday.

But I think my perspective is changing a bit.

Someday I believe God will "give" me a dude... that I am to serve, and be a servant to. Just as that dude is to me.

I think I'm learning basically to imitate God in every area. How can I imitate God within a guy-girl relationship? Naturally, all too naturally I think, people think right to sex and the union of a man and woman being symbolic of the union of God with man in spirit.

I just think it's profound that Jesus said He came as a servant.

That's sort of crazy to me... now that it's getting settled inside me. Tis all for now.

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