Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Throat coat

It is snowing outside. It's been snowing all day. I've been very cold all day, and decided that inside is the best place to be. Though I can walk just about fine now since the car accident... I'm not about to add to the bruises that are just starting to simmer down.

One of the best parts of rooming with another voice major, is that Trina and I completely understand how we take care of "the voice." That's what we call it. We study "the voice." When we're going to bed earlier or something because we want to sound the best we can the following day, it's always understood.

Trina likes this tea called Throat Coat, and she uses it especially when her throat feels a little irritated when she sings. Especially in the winter, it's a good thing. She's given me some, and it is not the tastiest thing in the world, but it definitely affected my singing. It just felt like adding oil to squeaky tires.

The truth is this: what you coat my throat with, affects the way I sing. It's never a good idea for me to eat peanut butter before I sing. I know from experience. Some people are different, but it's just not the bomb for me. Trina can't have citrus fruits or things like that before she sings. It makes it difficult.

So what we coat our throats with affects the way we sing.

Today I realized something. What I coat my mind with affects the way I think. Obviously... no brainer, right? But really... in the same way things just make my throat all gross when I need it to be clean and "oiled up" ready to roll, my mind is the same way. I need it to be clean, and disposed of the crap so I can use it better.

The way I think of someone affects the way I think of them. That might not even seem like a complete thought, but it is.

If I ate peanut butter before singing a solo for Handel's Messiah (The Lord must look favorably upon me because I've never engaged in any such combat...) , I'd be doomed. Somehow what I just coated my throat with would be heard. You might know know what I just ate, but you'd all know it wasn't a good idea whatever it was.

In the same way, what I coat my mind with will be heard. It will sound ugly. You might not know what exactly the thoughts were that lined my mind, but you'll know it wasn't pretty. It makes its way out. What goes around comes around. And often kicks ya in the bee-hind.

So that's my thought. What we coat our throats with affects the way we sing. And what we coat our minds with affects the way we think.

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