Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hey hey, what's ya name

I'm back in Illinois:)

This weekend with Train was so much fun. I had the time of my life with her and her family and friends. I get a high from meeting new people sometimes. Socializing is my anti-drug. Or something. Either way, I just loved meeting everybody.

Last night we went to a Huskers game. Apparently the third largest population in Nebraska. Where the college game is. I couldn't wear my purple sweatshirt, in hopes of not getting shot. The color is red people. You wear the right color, and nobody gets hurt. So I borrowed red from Trina, and we stopped and grabbed an official T-shirt, so I can say I've been to Nebraska, and not only that, but experienced Nebraska. I'm wearing it now. I feel like part of the pack. While still maintaining my Jersey wits.

After half time, Trin and I left and headed out to her mom's old college, Concordia University. UNL (University of Nebraska Lincoln campus) was where the game was, where Trina's dad went to school. He also coached the football team for a while. Anyway, a friend of ours from Greenville, as weird as it is, was playing a show at Concordia. So we met him there and stayed for his show. It was the strangest thing to be 9 hours away from Greenville, and see Clayton play. We'll see him tomorrow. I just find that amusing.

We met some cousins, aunts and uncles. Some of my favorite people might be Trina's grandparents. Her grandma was absolutely hysterical. She was a talker, which warmed my heart. She treated me like she knew me her whole life. She'd keep talking, and if no one was paying attention she'd just seem to pick someone who would meet her gaze. That was me a few times. I loved it. She was such a sweet woman, and I loved how into the football games she got. When Trevor was in the midst of his first touch down, she was sitting behind me and grabbed onto my shoulders and squeezed and shouted her anticipation. She then realized I was not her granddaughter, and she apologized for going crazy and grabbing me. I just loved it though. Oh man, she was so great.

Trina's grandpa was hilarious too. He thought I said my name was "Trina" too when we were all giving introductions. Train and I seem to get that a lot. In fact, that's one reason I call her Train. Traina sounds like Shaina. And then people sometimes call us "Trina and Shina." Like, "Sheena." Apparently our names sound too much alike for the average Joe. That's why we vowed we wouldn't marry anyone named Joe. We like our names.

I felt like I heard my name more times than I normally do. It had to do with Trina's dad's name being Shane. Now, understand this. I am in every way, a nick name person. I LOVE calling people something. I love their names. I love calling them by their names, yet also by whatever seems to click in my head. Like Train. Or Francine (aka Ali), or Whitnock/Whinny (aka Whitney), Pookie, (Aka Katie Johnson), Lashes (aka Laura), Bi (...Anna)... you get the idea. I had established many years ago that my friends could call me whatever they wanted. Except Shain. That was, in fact, a boy's name.

I can take a punch and act and look rather masculine in certain situations. Yes, it is true. I enjoy sweatpants. I love huge T-shirts, and I even gargle sometimes. When no one's looking, I blow my nose too. But. I've always intended to maintain my femininity by all nick names awarded to be rather less manly.

It all started when I started calling Katie Shaffer Kath. Her name is Kathleen. So Sarah Sharpe and I decided it would work. Katie hated it. So she started calling me Shain. We'd fight over it all... to be honest, it never seriously bugged me all that much. For the sake of the situation though, I fought like a champ. But people still call me Shain sometimes.

All this to say, I'm over it. I don't mind it at all really. And I respond and turn around when I hear the name "Shain," or in this weekend's case, "Shane."

Whew. That was an exhausting description. Now you know something new about me.

Getting back to Illinois was kind of sad. Trina and I had a vacation. Coming back is always exhausting and somewhat depressing. But I think we're getting back just fine. Lots to do this week... and I'm looking forward to getting a lot done in the next few days.

Time is flying. Trina and I are both busy bees, and love it that way. But it makes times go by really quickly.

And finally, the story of the title: Caleigh and I used to rap to the song "I'm Like A Bird," and end with our own stupid and completely ridiculous words. "Hey hey, what's ya name" May or may not have been a part of our rendition. And by saying that, I've basically exposed myself. Cal, cheers to us being little obnoxious songwriters before we knew the difference between cool and just down right not. I felt this appropriate after all my rambling about nick names... and adieu :)

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