Monday, October 25, 2010

Chasing leprechauns

Absolutely saddening, isn't it? I've blogged about half as much as I usually do lately.

But don't go on thinking I'm out of inspiration these days. Silly people... my inspiration has merely taken a musical frame lately. I've been writing songs like a machine. It's been fabulous. So refreshing.

I'm sitting in room 138 in Whitlock. It's been my practice room in the past few days. It's also the room I've written The Boat I'm In, and Why Don't You my newest songs as of the past 24 hours. I'm waiting for the recording of Why Don't You to send to Zach so he can yay or nay. Moses (the internet at Greenville...) is really slow. I mean we're not making anything up. Moses was slow of speech. Our Gville Moses is terrible. Maybe we should get an Aaron to help us out, because it's killing me.

So, I'll just babble for a little while. I'll talk about the new songs. The Boat I'm In is inspired by a random text message from a friend of mine. He asked me if I had written any songs over the weekend. The answer was no at that point. I described writer's block in my favorite way: a stomach virus. It's a grotesque metaphor, I understand that. But it's just become how I describe it. You know when you're about to vomit. And I knew I wasn't about to toss nothin' in relation to songs. So his response was, "yeah that's the boat I'm in for sure." I was sitting at my desk. Study lamp turned on (his name is Berkley), Music in Worship textbook turned open to where I was willing myself to read. Highlighters lined the open notebook, a pencil here, a pen there. I looked at the text message. My head cocked to the side. I think. Emotionally it did.

I had to cut the convo short. I was inspired. This is extremely dangerous. when it comes to sharing inspiration with another songwriter, unless you're about ready to cowrite, and share the glory (I'm kidding I hope you know)... you keep your mouth shut.

I opened a drawer and pulled out one of my many journals. This little black book is what I use for writing poems, lyrics and whatever comes to mind. I scribbled a few thoughts. Mapping out the course of this possible song. I grabbed my phone and recorded a few lines so I didn't forget the rhythm I was feeling, or the melodic hook.

And that was it.

Then I had another idea, so I scribbled that one down too.

Then I went back to studying, and met a friend to do so.

After, I went right to the practice rooms. And I sat down at the piano bench thats right in front of me as I type. And I wrote The Boat I'm In.

It's a fun, kinda quirky song. I like it. It's fine by me. Not my best, but I was happy with it.

So I studied some more when I got back to my room just in time before the storm hit. I literally had only minutes to spare. I cleaned my desk up, and brushed my teeth. Washed my face. Made my to-do list for today, and finally surrendered to my purple covers to achieve the coveted slumber my roommate was already embracing. I lay staring at the ceiling. The shadows on the walls stared at me. I pulled the covers under my head to try to reposition... I had so much to do in only hours. It wasn't funny. I had to sleep. You don't understand... sleep is so important to me. I might be a night owl, but I'm good for nothing when I'm tired. I, being the mature college senior I am, realize this. But it's not even something to dub "easier said than done." No no no. *Clears throat* no. (I'm quoting Tarzan. If you knew that, you're officially the coolest person ever) Sleep is like a little leprechaun that you can never capture. The stinkin' sprite is a devil.

Somewhere in between the restlessness, a melody sang in my head. It was so random. But gentle. Like a wish were floating in the spring air, and landed in my crazy wild hair. I know that sounded silly. I don't care. It even rhymed and I didn't do it on purpose. You've probably noticed my writing right now is slightly spastic.

So. I reached for my cell phone under my pillow (it's also my alarm clock), and held my breath for a second. I knew if I didn't record it, it could leave me forever. This is serious. I liked the melody. I wanted it. I wanted to use it. The ideas were already shaping in my head. But my voice was hardly a whisper. If it were anything more I could have wakened sweet Trina Cherie sleeping peacefully across the room (I was so jealous but my love for her won out). So I whispered/sung the melody into my phone. Listened to make sure I'd even be able to hear it come morning, and went to bed. And I think I fell asleep at some point, because I woke up this morning.

So lo! I started writing the song today, and revisited the same practice room several times, and it is completed and recorded. And sent to Zachary's inbox. Praise the Lord!

And now I'm done. I think I'm gonna go try to catch a leprechaun. I'm genuinely exhausted. Ever hear the Italians and the Irish don't mix? Tell me about it.

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