Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hit me

This morning I awoke so much earlier than I wanted to. However, it was kind of awesome too, because it's the first day of classes! The first day of my last year in college. What what!!

As I washed my face this morning, in our Tenny 2nd floor bathroom, I mentally rolled my eyes at how I had checked my phone several times this morning before I actually got up just to make sure I didn't oversleep. My first class is at 8:30 am, and I know many people will do more than mentally roll their eyes at my pathetic antics, but I'm still getting off Summer people... I'm still learning to wake up at reasonable hours.

I woke up around 5 am, and checked my phone. I knew I had class this morning. I knew I had to get up soon. I didn't want to miss my alarm. I was afraid I'd miss it.

About an hour later, I did the same thing. Finally, I woke up with my alarm, and began getting ready for the day.

I started to think about how it was easier to get up, simply because I was waiting for it. I was anticipating the moment I'd get up out of bed, and sleepily find my way out of my loft bed over my desk and dresser. It wasn't news to me that I'd have to be awake at the hour I was. I was waiting for it, knowing full well what I was in fact, waiting for.

The Bible constantly speaks about being prepared. Be prepared in season and out of season to represent the Lord, like 2 Timothy 4:2 says. Be prepared to give an answer for the hope we possess, like 1 Peter 3:15 says.

If I didn't know I had to get up when I did this morning, I would have been extremely angry. I was still tired. I wanted to sleep longer. My eyelids felt like spikes when they folded over my eyes only to be held open again. If I didn't know I had to get up, and then someone woke me up, I'd have been pretty peeved.

The difference was, I knew. I was expecting it. I was prepared.

I think the same principle goes for our faith. If we're prepared for the trials, and the frustrations we will definitely be facing, we're all the more equipped to rise to whatever the challenge will be.

Next time we're tried, and faced with a challenge, let's be expecting it. Let's keep checking our clocks so we know we're ready. Let's be waiting and watching for it. Let's be prepared.

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