Wednesday, October 21, 2015


The methods in which the Lord chooses to minister to us is worth some reflection. I think it's mind boggling how intricately God ordains our moments. My day feels like a mess, and completely off beat sometimes. Yet it's happening perfectly, and quite timely in the eyes of the Lord.

I need to bask in the fact that there's no possible way things can really unravel. God is the grand puppeteer and is working all things out for my good.

Someone recently came to me for advice. I'm in no way much more trustworthy an advice giver than the next guy, but it truly opened my eyes to hearing the advice I myself needed too, without even knowing it.

I knew the answer to my own frustrating concerns, but in the midst of frustration comes a lot of dust. Chipping away at my own frailty causes a cloud of smoke that confuses me and throws me off.

When someone shares a similar experience, I can step back and see what's happening to them so much more clearly.

Suddenly, I'm looking at myself, and realizing for the first time the things I actually needed to hear myself.

I love seeing so clearly how the Lord is working in my life.

I love knowing that the challenges that come up during the day are in fact perfectly timed for when I'll need to quit trying to use my own strength and submit to His.

It's reassuring.

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