Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been on my heart to talk about something. It's kind of odd to me, why I feel like I need to write about this, but then again, maybe it's not.

I want to talk about Christianity. Salvation. The heart. The whole ordeal of, "Jesus, come into my heart."

It's so elementary, right?

You know what... I'm not sure it is.

I think it's sometimes overshadowed.

I know that not everyone who reads my blog is a Christian too. I realize that. And I want to talk about what I believe. What I believe is true. Completely true.

I believe that salvation is personal. That it's between one person, and God. I don't believe anyone else is involved in the decision to believe in God, and acknowledge Jesus.

I think other people become involved after the fact of salvation. Because we need encouragement and support form other people.

I believe that the fact of Jesus dying on the cross means nothing unless we acknowledge it and accept it. The New Testament talks about how the "Son of man must be lifted up, just as the serpent was lifted up." That's a reference back to the Old Testament, in the book of Numbers, when the Israelites were attacked by venomous snakes. God told Moses to lift up a bronze (i think?) serpent, and that anyone who looked at it, would not die. And they would live. Anyone who didn't look at it, died.

So when people purpose the idea of a universalism idea about God... I don't agree with it.

The fact of that bronze serpent existing didn't save the people. They had to look at it. LOOK, and SEE it.

Just the fact that it was there, was secondary.

So I believe that just the fact that Jesus died is secondary. We have to LOOK at Him. SEE Him.

Jesus is the only way. It's not the fact that He exists, or that God exists. But that we Acknowledge it. That we look at Him. Walk into Him like walking into a brick wall. Get close. Get real.

So if you haven't looked at Him... do it. Look at Him, and see Him. If you're not sure you want to... do it anything. Do hard things. Do it even though it feels weird to think about "accepting salvation."

I know the fancy talk that Christians use can be frustrating. But don't get frustrated by that. Make a choice yourself, unaffected by what other people are saying.

Because it's a choice you make. Not someone else.

Look at Him.

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