Sunday, September 11, 2011

107 days

Tonight, something very cool occurred. I finished that read through the Bible plan thing. So it was supposed to be 90 days, and my goal was finishing this Summer. It took me 107 days. But, gosh. It changes a person, to read that much, so consistently.

Ok, so I want to tell you the things that stood out to me. I can honestly pinpoint them. Yes, after reading the entire Bible, I come away with like, 3 things. But these things are the 3 things that have seriously changed me, and affected me deeply.

So I've blogged about some of this already, but I the 1st thing I really learned, is how real life the Israelites are in the Old Testament.

When they'd constantly complain that they wanted to go back to Egypt, it is so easy to say "Dudes, get a grip. You were slaves. Why would you want to go back!?"

But when God leads us somewhere new, it's so easy to say, "I want to go back." It was easier back then. We knew what we were doing. We understood our purpose. We knew people. We loved people. We don't like all the new stuff.

I fought with God a lot this Summer. I didn't like where my life was. I didn't like the total loss of control. I hated it.

A lot of true colors showed up in me... and in God. Talk about double rainbow with that Guy...

Anyway, I learned that I might not have been a slave in the places of my past like the Israelites were, but if I stay were I'm safe, I become confined. And being confined is a type of slavery.

No good. No good a'tall!

Number 2!

I learned that when God makes us wait, there is a purpose. Like in Acts, when Jesus got the apostles all hyped up for what He's about to do through them, then says, "Oh hey. Wait here first." then goes back to heaven. Talk about disappointment.

I relate though. Like the music things in Nashville. God plants all this affirmation and excitement in me for Nashville. Then brings me back to Jersey, and says, "Wait here first."

But just like the apostles saw an outpouring of the Holy Spirit come because they waited, I'm believing that I will see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life too.

And lastly, Number 3!

Reading through Acts and then the whole rest of Paul's letters really got to me this time. I understood how painful it was to live a life overflowing with love. How he deeply loved the people he ministered to. The aching in his writing every book he wrote.... when he'd say, "I long to come see you..." and all of his "Say hi to so and so" ... suddenly the whole New Testament became so precious and so full of love... every book I read held a lot more to me, after understanding what Paul did with his life as a response to God.

So, since God's really made sense of this to me, I've realized something. My precious students are the new people God has given me to love. I will always always always love my friends at Greenville. Always. That won't change. It hurts to be away from them. But now I have new people to love. And I want to love them.

So. These are the major themes God has imprinted on me from reading the entire Bible in 107 days.

If you're not good at reading the Bible... try this web site. There at 23 different Bible reading plans. SOOOO AWESOME! I just found the site. I love it.

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