Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm short

You know what is really calming? The sound of a heart beat.

Somehow, hearing someone else's heart beat is so reassuring.

Have you ever had someone hug you and you could feel it? Hear it?

Maybe I'm just the shortie girl who always comes right about to the atrial section of the body when I hug people... but why is it that it's so calming to me?

It reminds me that there is more. That I am not the only one living. I have a companion. Seconds are passing, and time is going on, as counted by the steady pumping I can feel inside my own heart.

When I hear someone else's heart beat, it's almost like I'm under water.

I like being under water. When my hair is like a mermaid's, under the surface tension, warm and unrestrained.

I feel like God is holding me very near. So close to Him. Close to His heart. So I can hear it beating. Like it's the way He brings me calm. There is more. There is. There is more. And I have a companion.

I know this blog is maybe a little weird. Maybe creepy to some. But it's times like this (metaphorically) that God makes my shortie height perfect. That when he draws me in, He brings me right to His heart. Where I'm safe. Where I'm warm. Where I'm calm, even though my own heart sings of chaos and confusion.

I love being close to my Father's heart.

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