Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mini adults

I adore being a teacher. I started much more of my schedule for the year this week... and I'm really loving it. I feel like I'm already in the groove. A week ago I felt like the walking dead getting ready with lesson plans and schedules. This week I feel much more normal.

You can tell how much clearer my head is by my kitchen table. The past few weeks the table has been covered in books, papers, folders and highlighters. This week, it's not spotless, but it's significantly cleaner.

I've heard quite a few hilarious quotes from my students already. Oh yes, it's going to be a good year.

As a little 5-year-old boy was talking to me yesterday answering a question, I started to see him a little differently. Children are so candid. They are so themselves. I can see their personalities without any inhibitions. They are who they are.  We learn to hide and second guess who we are the older we get. Someone might meet me and think I'm so much different than what I actually am. I can fake it. I can be loud. I can be quiet. I can be sarcastic. I can be so many different things.

I can melt into my surroundings so I don't look different than the people around me.

But a kindergarten class... it's all sorts of colors. Not many 5-year-olds have learned to be anything else but who they are, yet.

I wish it could stay that way.

I started to think of what my husband would have been like at 5-years old. Ohhh he must have been so darn cute. I think that I'd see a lot of characteristics I see in him, now. I know him best. I'm his wife. But I wonder what things wouldn't be present yet in a 5-year-old version of the man I know so well. I wonder what kind of people these children will become.

I'm loving these miniature adults I teach everyday. They're so innocent. It's refreshing. It's a blessing. It's so much fun.

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