Monday, December 27, 2010

If a picture is worth a thousand words

I know I already posted a blog today. But one of the only things I've done today is read. This break will be one filled with crossing off titles on my "Must Read" list. So far so good.

I have absolutely LOVED reading this book Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman. Steven Curtis Chapman's wife. One of the best parts of it, is seeing Mary Beth quote her husband's lyrics all the time. She tells a story about something that happened in her life--their life-- and then the next page has the lyrics of a song that her husband wrote and recorded. Many of them I even know. It's just hilarious to me, and absolutely fantastic as a song writer myself, so hear the stories behind them.

I told my sister in the car Saturday, that being a songwriter has got to be one of thee best jobs. It's the kind of job that no matter what happens to you in your life, it can only enhance your occupation. Think about it... if you're going through a hard time, you only have more inspiration. If you're happy... that song will be like the budding of spring. If you're angry... isn't it better to sing a song about it than to punch someone in the face?

See what I mean? Songwriting is just fantastic. It's what I do, and I cannot wait for the next chapter of my life to unfold in song.

I can tell you a story about most every line I've ever written.

I also confided in my mother something I've been thinking of lately. Now I'm going to tell you. I need to marry a songwriter. I figured, this way, we would never be able to keep secrets from each other. I wouldn't believe you for a second if you were a songwriter -- a chronic songwriter like myself-- and told me you don't like to show someone, at least ONE person a new song for affirmation once you wrote it. I often don't have a solid opinion of a song until after I show at least my brother.

When I say "This song isn't about anyone in particular, it's more about the concept." I'm not lying... but it's maybe more the truth to say "The first line is about this person... the fourth line is about someone entirely different... the whole chorus came after I thought about this dude... and the bridge was about my sister."

In the end, I just admitted to thinking about a whole lot. A whole lot more than just "a concept." I could wave it off and say I wasn't thinking about something, when the lyrics music and melody testify solid facts proclaiming the opposite.

So I figured it'd be a great thing to marry a songwriter. Because when he shows me his new song, and tries to say "I wasn't really mad about that..." I'll have already heard what he means to say but didn't.

I like to think (my song I Like to Think So really is hilarious... because every word is completely my own and I say the same words all the time in everyday conversation) that my household will be full of songs when I'm married and have my own life going. My brother (Zach) and sisters (Caleigh and Soph) and I already sing our own songs at appropriate times, when they fit the situation.

I LOVE hearing Cal sing, "Oh oh oh oh oh oh, that's the boat I'm in," instead of saying "Me too."

So that's all I have to say. I love reading about songwriters, and I'm probably going to marry one. If I don't, then I need to come up with ways to interrogate.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, I can't imagine how many a song is worth.

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