Friday, December 3, 2010


I'm sitting on my bed. Trina is sitting next to me, and Marta (Our big lamp in the middle of the room) is shining sweetly. I have Berkley (my small green lamp on my bed) on as well. It is roommate reading time. But we're on our computers right now.

We have less than two weeks left of class. In fact I have 12 days. And come this time next week, I'll be done the nerve wracking parts with presentations and juries and all of that wonder. I'll also be gearing up for St. Louis with my people and on our way to go swing dancing!

I don't really have many deep thoughts. I'm in a very focused mood... it will likely last me until I'm on my way home to Jersey for Christmas break. And then the real partying begins. Williams style. I just adore my family. I loved being home with everyone for Thanksgiving.

Trina and I just discussed one of our favorite people at Greenville. Rick the Janitor. He's just awesome. He always says hello, and when you get talking with him, you realize he's just hilarious, and you walk away forgetting your have a crazy day ahead of you. I love moments like that. Rick, you are the man.

Drinking water is great. I've started to notice huge differences in myself when I don't drink enough. What's really funny, is once you know what it's like to drink a ton of water-- and by a ton, I mean like 100 ounces a day. You think I'm kidding you-- you suddenly have an heightened sense of thirst when you don't drink as much.

I sing for hours everyday. I'm a voice major, and practicing for my senior recital. I'm also in a band, and do my own solo stuff with my brother. I'm also in the Greenville College choir, and Chamber singers. Last night our choir rehearsal was over three hours. Tomorrow will be the same. I drink a lot of water. For my voice, and also because I love being healthy. And I feel great when I drink water. I'm a health nut baby.

But how peculiar... I didn't really notice what thirst is like till I seasoned myself with being completely hydrated all day.

I think the same is true of so many things in life. We don't know what it's like to lack something until we know what the loss actually is. The difference is quite evident.

When I don't drink water, suddenly I recognize the drought in my mouth as well as my head. I just feel wilted.

And when I realize what my own confusion, and frustration stems from.. it just makes sense. When I don't have so much time with God... I don't always realize the evidence. Until I recognize the difference. And the lines drawn perfectly to the point.

The last weeks of a semester always throw me off. You'd think I'd be more prepared for the next time it comes. Well, now it's roommate reading time. More later:)

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