Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back to Greenville!

Today is my first full day back at Greenville! Zach and I got in last night around midnight. We traveled 17 terribly long hours in his little white car... it never felt so good to arise from a sitting position... in fact, it's still a little uncomfortable to sit, and this is 12 hours later. 
Anyway, it feels so good to be back at Gville. It was so nice to be with my family for almost 6 weeks for break of course, and I miss them already. I miss my friends I have at home too, and all the places I love to go with them... but it feels so right to be back here. 
At the beginning of the school year, our Senior student body president spoke about how it took a long time to figure out where home is. When he went "home" for break, that felt like home. But at the same time, when he came back to Gville, that felt like home too. When he traveled and counseled at camps and things like that.... it all felt homey. So where was home? He concluded that wherever you are is home. And I think I agree with that more now than I did my first week at Greenville. It's funny how familiar this place still is. The spots on the wall that I left in December are still here as if I never left. My pictures and posters are still on the wall. The carpets are the same. It feels comfortable. 
I'm excited to be back at this home. I miss my home in NJ, but I missed this home too. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way! I was thinking about that too, about how both places feel like home. Now that you say that, I do remember when Fackler was talking about that, and now it all makes sense. :)
