Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chapter 2

Caleb and I, at some point, decided we should probably study together for some exams and papers for COR 302.  I left the ball in his court.  I was quite "pleased" when he walked up to me in front of my whole table in the DC (dining commons) and asked me for my number so we could study that night.

That night, Caleb? Eager are we? Not that I minded...

I decided I would change what I was wearing. I wanted to look and feel refreshed. I changed out of my gray t-shirt and into a white shirt. kept the jeans, though.

I realized I was a few minutes late as I walked across Scott Field to the library. I figured this was a great approach. Not too eager to get to him, but casually getting over there. Just then, my phone buzzed.

"Shaina, where are ya in the building?" Caleb had texted me.

Number one: I LOVED how he used my name. That was something I noticed about Caleb. He uses people's names. I figured he must like when people use his name too, so I tried to use his name when I talked to him. I also figured that must mean if he likes using names, he's verbal. And likely his love language was words of affirmation. I kept these things to myself.

I let him know I was walking in, and found him on the 2nd floor.

Crap. He was changed into a gray shirt and jeans. We could have matched! I quieted my inner musing.

I set down my computer, and we began our paper writing and studying.

I had my presuppositions that Caleb was smart, because I knew he was a year ahead. I knew people thought I was smart for being two years ahead, though I knew I wasn't a genius, I still looked on that favorably. I also knew he took things seriously because he did in class. His presentations were always good, and he seemed like one of those guys who didn't have to try very hard to do well, but worked hard anyway.

As we were typing up our papers, I felt really calm. I liked that we could do our own thing and not be distracted or distracting by or to each other.

This is a huge deal to me. I like smart people. I like having intelligent conversations. I like people who can correct my papers. I'm telling you, it got so old when people would just assume I was so incredibly smart that I didn't need anyone to proof my work. I don't know where people got that idea. I did well, sometimes, but I needed proof reading.

So Caleb proofed my draft, as I proofed his.

"Shaina, this is really good," he noted while smiling as he scrolled down.

I tried so hard to control my own smile. He made me feel proud. It was different than people just assuming my paper was good.

"This is really good so far, Caleb," There. I used his name.

He made some corrections. Such satisfaction!

Caleb Arb, you can correct my spelling any time you want...

This was comfortable.

I decided to run with it.

So I glared at him.

How dare you make corrections!

Oh it's on Caleb Arb.

I erased some of his bad grammar.

As I read his paper, I realized, yes. He is indeed one of those people who is just smart without trying. His grammar... could use some encouragement in some areas. So I made took the liberty.

 He looked up at me... I promised his paper was fabulous, and that I was just rewording things.

So the "studying" turned into two college juniors flirting over two computers as we made corrections on each other's papers.

I struggled greatly. When I laugh really hard, it can easily and all too quickly become sobbing. Some people get nervous they'll accidentally snort. Me? Oh no... buckets of tears and I-can't-breathe-or-speak-because-I'm-laughing-too-hard.

 I was dying... I was so giddy and so excited to be exactly where I was.... but becoming more and more terrified that the flush in my cheeks would turn into a skin disease that would write across my forehead "I'm falling for you Caleb Arb!"

My acting skills from high school were my best friends as I'd somehow managed to get back to work. Every few minutes I'd catch Caleb's eye if I made another correction on his paper. I'd start laughing. SON OF A GUN SHAINA!

We switched computers and started working on our own papers. Study (unofficial) Date One: Complete.

Could I sleep that night? I think not.

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