Sunday, May 30, 2010

I do

Do you ever look at your life as if you were standing outside of it? Do you ever think the sky looks so perfect, so inviting, serene and calm, that you decide in an instant you will put your loot inside and then come right back out just to spend some time beneath it? Do you ever make the plan to do so, and then somehow end up forgetting, or deciding against it?
Do you ever get so wrapped up in the things that run through your heart, that you feel completely committed to a thought or idea, and then later you realize (all that single moment's sense) that you weren't really acting out of pure motive? Do you ever think you have it completely figured out, all to change your mind due to your own persuasion after the fact?
Do you ever try desperately to surrender to yourself, just so you can have some peace enough to sleep at night?

Do you ever feel like the simple pleasures of life are not enjoyed enough... and even though you know this full well, you still don't enjoy them even though it's all in your hands to do so? Do you ever wish the wind would allow it's furious finger to thread through the trees all night long, even if it were to keep you awake, just so life doesn't feel at a stand still? Do you wish that the moon would never change positions, just so you can take a moment to breathe, without even the earth turning under your shoes? Do you ever wonder what the voices of stars would sound like, if we could hear them? Do you ever wonder if the voices would be like songs, or if they'd be of terror, or if they'd try to explain the answers to the questions we ask them in passing, in our lives beneath them? Do you ever forget that so many other lives have been lived beneath the same stars? Do you ever forget that God is beyond them, as you lift uncensored and unplanned prayers heavenward? Do you ever wish sand could spin out of your hand, and that the ocean would swoon under the night sky, and that the air would be sweet and cool against your face? Do you ever wish these things just so you can feel alive?

Do you ever wonder why sense is subjective to moods, and why we learn not to trust ourselves, and why we still learn to trust our intuition? Do you ever feel helpless against all that you know, because nothing seems to ever remain constant? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by love that it all doesn't even matter? Do you ever regret something silly, because you know you didn't need to act or do something you did? Do you ever wish you didn't take a step towards or away from something that may or may not have been wise? Do you ever just wish you could be still, and just let thoughts become senseless dreams?

I do.