Wednesday, May 19, 2010

But one more day before the end

And so today, I have thus far completed four more classes. I finished one on Monday, and I have two more to finish tonight. A paper for one, and a project for another. I am so exhausted. I even cried freely after my hour and a half ear training final. Seriously, a fully diminished chord sounded major by the end of that thing. Ya can't take that long for ear training.... The tears were hilarious and laughter abounded through them. It was almost fun as Mike and Kelly joined me and Mike crowned me with the famous bunny ears.

Kelly and I went to Adam Bros after i finally took my piano final. I hardly practiced, yet still got a pretty ok grade on it. I didn't complain. I completely improvised as I was playing. I was satisfied. Coffee has become a ok thing to my tongue this semester. I always hated coffee. But those boys at Adam Bros know howta make it good. And little by little, I'm liking it a tad but more every time I get another frappe. Sure it's not black coffee straight up, but honey, give it time. Don't give up on me. It's a uphill slope.

Anyway, the de-stresser with Kelly was exactly what I needed, and then choir for an hour and a half was actually pretty pleasant. I am entirely fatigued beyond good sense. Somehow I still need enough to finish this darn protools project in 45 minutes, and then write a five page paper. But oh, life is good. I love it. And I can't believe so many people have left today! And tomorrow, almost everyone else will be gone. I don't know what to do really. I am so emotional, but it's not really coming out. Except for after ear training. That was a bit uncensored. But I honestly am not sure if I'm gonna be a blubbering baby tomorrow or not. I have a class early at 9:30 at Dr. Hartley's for our last little get together for intro to worship. We're making bread and taking communion together. I can't eat it, but it's gonna be pretty cool.

I feel like I've only just met so many amazing people here. I don't want to abandon the new relationships I've built in the last few weeks. It feels wrong to just pack up and leave. So, this eludes to how I have not packed a single thing yet. But seriously, I don't leave until Monday. So don't expect me to be studying for how many freaking finals and project I've had, and packing all the while as well. Nope. Ya. Ya right.

Last week was ridiculous and busy. This week has lasted forever. And it's Wednesday. Holy cow, get me to Thursday night!! I have a bunch of random things to take care of tomorrow even after everything is done with classes and exams. I guess I get stressed easily when it comes to a list of tasked to be completed. I focus so string that it's straining my natural ability to undertake. Ahhh when it comes to group projects, it can be tough for me. I like to do well. And I know everyone else does too. But it's so difficult to find a happy medium. I had such a good time working with my group for COR 302 this semester. And I'm totally psyched to work with the new group for Cor 401 next semester! It's gonna be some good times with them people. They're good ones. I'm looking forward to it.

My dad, Nate, and Caleigh are coming over to help Zach and I move out and take our stuff home. I really don't have too much. So I'm not worried about all my stuff fitting, but Zach has got a ton of music stuff and speakers and amps... it will be good to have Dad come out. And I'm so excited to see Cal. She and I have been conversing late into the night lately. It's so sweet. I love her so much. And I can't wait to spend the summer with her. And for her to occupy my room here with me after Francine leaves tomorrow. I don't know what i'm gonna do when she leaves. I've had the best time with her this semester. She's seen me in all my angles. She sees me when I stumble out of bed and accidentally walk into things. She's seen my hair in it's freest forms. She's heard my lame sleep talking, and always pauses to take it in so she can give me a great account of it once I reach the land of the living. She and I have witness the very core of each other. And yet still, there is love! Hah... oh that girl. She is coming to visit me this summer, for which I am extremely excited.

We all made t-shirts on our floor this past Saturday. We all put our floor nick names on the back with our room numbers and funny quotes from the year. We even have a traveling shirt we made that will be passed around this summer to each of us. It's super cute. Golly... I can't beleive the days of 3BE are concluding. 3rd Burritt East will never be the same. I'll never wake up and see Kelcie brushing her teeth in the sink next to me as we both sleepily attempt good hygiene. All these girls... what am I gonna do without them?! I'm so glad Katie Whitney and Trina are gonna be all with me next year in Tenny. Room 204! But no. It's not time for that yet. I'm still room 312 on 3BE. One thing at a time, ok?

Ok, now that this journal-like entry has gone on this long, I feel as though I must conclude this now. I have only a few more things to go tonight. The library will be my home once more this semester, one last time as Kirstie and I attempt this worship paper. Ahhh and may this night last long enough to live it all with wide eyes. How can I bear to blink it away.... like a song I wrote a year ago before I graduated. *Sigh* And so adieu.

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