Memorial Day! Always at Grandma's. I just have to complain about one thing. When I got there, there were M&Ms in a little bowl. "Perfect!" Thought I. M&Ms are gluten-free. Excellent! So I grab two, and begin to chew one. Not long until Zach informs me, "Those have pretzels in them." Translation-- "those have gluten in them." So I spit it out and tried to rinse my mouth out in a bathroom, all to find that the water was shut off in that one. GREAT. So I get to the kitchen sink (which was closer than the other one, i was just trying to be decent...) and rinse my mouth out. Who thought to put a pretzel in an M&M?! And why didn't anyone warn me?
So later when Zach and Caleigh and Mike (my cousin's boyfriend) were discussing bread and butter pickles and how this was the second holiday that Grandma had accidentally bought them instead of "the good ones" I told everyone to just dip em in pretzels. Seems like the sneaky thing to make things better lately. I was bitter. But I got over it. Happy day.
Zach Cal and I had a "random texts" fest. I texted a few people random quotes. One person didn't text me back. I actually don't even think he knew I had his number, which leads me to believe he does not have me in his contacts. Hah! I'm sure it was an interesting moment when he received my text about milk and aglets.... :)
I've been thinking a lot about my possible study abroad summer semester net year. I want to go so badly... Oxford for 5 weeks. To study Jane Austen!? Come on! Amazing. And in the place I've only dreamed of going to for all of my life... and I could be there. Yeah, five weeks is not very long, but it'd be affordable, and just amazing. Of course after seeing Letters to Juliet last night with my fam (the girls in the fam anyway), everyone keeps saying, "Shai, just go for a Brit. That'd be perfect." I can't help but agree. But I was seriously considering why British gentlemen are so darn attractive to so many American women... is it really all in the accent? I'm tempted to believe so. I'm also tempted to assume that the clip to their tones somehow makes for a Mr. Darcy enactment, that sometimes sounds rude, but we know any Brit that sounds rude and clippy in his tone, has got to be completely misunderstood and secretly be the most wonderful, amazing, romantic lover the world failed to recognize. We also know that since the story of Pride and Prejudice was first entitled "First Impressions," we can learn the virtues of not trusting our first impressions, especially when it comes to the Brits.
And then, he'll hit the nail on the head. He'll quote Shakespeare. And it sounds as though he were Shakespeare himself! I was wondering today as I sat at Borders for three wonderful hours why it is that when British men quote beautiful words (words that are not even their own...) that American women absolutely swoon. And why when Americans say the same words, we sound like Elmer Fudd discussing his love to hun Wabbits? It sounds like we try too hard. At least on the outside. I like to think of my own Shakespeare quotations as entirely humble and beautiful. Hah!
I suppose I've thought a good deal about the movie last night. I was wholly enchanted by it. I appreciated the beauty of Italy, and Amanda Seyfried's (Spelling?) long hair that made me miss my own, and the adorable story line. I loved "Sophie's" passion for writing. It made me satisfied with my ridiculous amounts of filled journals, and my sick obsession with writing letters. I loved the simplicity and freedom of sweet things in the movie. Yes, it was a total chick flick. And I LOVED it. I haven't really enjoyed a chick flick for a long time. Not because I don't like them. I just am fairly unimpressed by most of them. I always think of it as, "Would I want my love story to be like that?" And usually the answer is a fat, "HAH! YEAH RIGHT!" And that's usually how it goes for me. So the movie last night... would I want my love story to be like that? Well, I'd much rather have one like that than most others that I've seen. I loved the movie. I've said it so many times. That's huge for me. So you know I'm serious.
Anyway, my conclusions on Brits vs. Americans quoting Shakespeare, and the reactions they collect.... to me personally... I'm still thinking about it. But Shakespeare is always good. So say it right, whichever accent you may assume, and I'll be happy. I might not swoon (unless it's a scene where the reaction is swooning and I recognize the need for the scene to be completely rightly, and justly), but I'll enjoy it.
And so blog stalkers (and Teajay), you may quote Shakespeare any time. I'll appreciate it.
And to any wonderers. The title is the first line of one of the best monologues by Helena in a Midsummer Night's dream. Act 1 Scene 2 I believe? Ahhhh bless you Shakespeare. Bless you.
I. HEAR. YOU. Shaynuh!!! Its always those darn M&M's! Did you know that "Dark Chocolate" M&M's are a lie? I, innocent and sweet, got a bag, thinking "Oh yes! No milk! Score!", only to find out the hard way that there really was milk. I hate M&M's. And what are the odds that the water will be shut off to the bathroom? Boo. But anyway, the words of Claudio ring ever true for people like us... "Let every eye negotiate for itself, and trust no agent; for beauty is a witch against whose charms faith melteth in blood."
Did you know British guys don't wear deodorant?
Teajay you're hilarious. And yeah. Lets strike against M&Ms. And those Claudio words are ever beautiful. Good choice of quote selection. And wow. Brits need to wash up...
ReplyDeleteThat’s crazy because I think you look like Amanda seyfried!