Thursday, October 22, 2015


Identity is so necessary. My identities I possess create who I am.

Identity also creates our to-do lists.

If I'm a teacher, I teach.

If I'm a mommy, I mother.

If I'm a singer, I sing.

If I'm a writer, I write.

I never realized before the significance of the relation that identity has to works.

As a task oriented person, and someone very structured and conscious of my identities, this is really important beyond words. Of course, feeling significant in the world is a necessary thing. I'm not putting that away. But I do recognize some very deep and powerful flaws here in my own life.

There is so much in the Bible about works. I wrongfully have rendered works always being linked to "good works" or things people assume can get them into heaven. The attempts at perfection.

I've never really considered works to simply be just the things we do.

I find so much security in my works. What I accomplish. What I do.

Salvation comes only from what the Lord did and does. The things He does.

I feel like there's steam coming out my ears trying to wrap my head about this heavenly concept... gosh, what I'd give for just a little bit more brain capacity to understand things we just can't about the Lord...

Bottom line: our works don't save us. Our works aren't what make us significant. His works have saved us. His works accomplished much. As His children, we share in his accomplishments by receiving the benefit of what He did.

Similarly, our identities (which determine our works) don't save us. Our identities do not make us significant. Who He is, is the only thing that changes anything.

I'm hardly even scratching the surface of this. It's beyond me.

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