Anyway, we got to Chicago around 11:30. We passed a Megabus at the bus stop I get off at when I take a Megabus to see Aijalon. It was odd to be in the same place and not be going to see him. Associations... Anyway, we got dropped off at the Chicago Public Library, and had until 3:00 pm to roam the green city. Green, because it was the St. Patrick's day thingy... not sure exactly, but I saw many man in skirts and many women with green hair. And get this... they died the river green!! It was green!! Crazy. Basically hilarious.
Trina stayed with her family today while the choir was in the city. They're our groupies until tomorrow. So a bunch of us broke off and started heading to various locations. Jessica and I ended up going with Doc, Brandon, Nathaniel, Brad, and Prof Noble to Pizzaria Uno to find gluten free pizza! And to my frustration, the host rudely notified us there was no gluten free menu. I was mad. So we tried another place, to find, yet again, no gluten free menu. However, I ventured to Trader Joe's down the street and bought corn tortillas and cheese, and met everyone at the California pizza place. While we were there, Nathaniel and I found we have some mutual friends. We were both homeschooled in New Jersey. I guess mutual friends were bound to occur. Even so (Lord Jesus quickly come... sorry... more tour lyrics...), it was pretty cool!
Soon after eating I took our little group to Trader Joe's. Some of them had never been there. I took it upon myself to introduce them. It was an enlightening experience for those who had not yet known the wonders of such a store. I knew I was indeed doing the right thing.
Then Brad, Nathaniel, Jess and I rode the subway back to the library. I was thankful. I unfortunately did not bring good shoes for lots of rainy walking. My socks were drenched in my purple shoes... every time I wear purple shoes in Chicago, something bad happens to them and my little feet... I should remember not to do that next time. When we got to the library we four rode to the top level, which was the 9th floor. We had a jolly time and dined on our healthy morsels with the background of a foggy city behind us.
Once reunited, we loaded the bus and drove out to Geneva where we had a few hours of rehearsals and dinner provided by the church we're singing at tomorrow for two morning services. Tonight we unfortunately lose an hour, as we "spring forward." All in all, I'm glad it's basically Spring. However, I will likely find myself to be sleepily desperate for rest again tomorrow. Within such an event, I may find myself wishing it were "fall back" again... continuing on... we ate our dinner, and met our hosts for the evening.
Trina and I had an awesome time tonight. Our hosts, Scott and Olivia, are so much fun! They're a young couple, who Trina and I are assuming were only recently married in the last few years or so. We had a great time tonight. I got to eat an apple that was a perfect texture and perfect color that was not from the DC. It was a great experience. They made us cookies, and even though I couldn't eat any, it was cool Olivia made some. We all decided to watch a movie together before headin' to bed. And so, what did we adults watch?! Ratatouille. And a wonderful time it was! We laughed and squealed at appropriate parts, and cuddled up in blankets with mugs of cold water on the coffee table. It was such a great night. Relaxing, and nice to spend it with out host fam.
Trina and I agreed Scott and Olivia were adorable. All cuddled up on their couch, they were so funny to watch the movie with. Scott would make sure Olivia wasn't scared when the scenes got intense. He would make sure she wasn't too disgusted by the numerous rats invading the kitchen in the movie. They are such sweet people! We really liked spending time with them tonight.
We've noticed that the older couples with their children grown and gone usually let us just go up to our room they provide us with, and let us be. But the younger couples, like Scott and Olivia, like to do things with us. We're really not all that much younger age wise, and still have a lot of common grounds. Like college. Even though they're graduated and living different stages of life, we had good conversations about what we're studying and things like that. It's so great to experience this... to experience all these different people and to be welcomed into their homes.
Tomorrow we sing for two services at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, and then head out again. To be honest I don't know where our next stop is. I can't remember if it's in Indiana or Ohio... I guess I'll find out soon! But another performance tomorrow night!
This trip has been so much fun. It's only 2 days in! Eight more to go! Things like this make me kind of sad I only have a few more semesters left of college. But hey... this is only undergrad... with me and my tendencies... we'll see how many more semesters I go until I'm done for good. Obviously I don't plan on being a student forever. Other seasons of life will surely (hopefully! :P)come, but I'm just loving this time right now. Especially the no homework aspect of these last two, and coming days!
Today began with sore shoulders, soaked socks, and silly St. Patrick's emblems, and ended with relieved tenses, satisfied tummies, and sweet memories made. I will now enfold myself into the gold beaded covers of this cozy bed. More to come!
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