Some mornings I decide hitting the snooze button is definitely worth the extra time to stay in bed, even though it's 5 less minutes to wake up. The extra moments you serve yourself those sleepy mornings are moments of sweet ecstasy, warm bliss. You've never appreciated sleep as you do in that moment it's about to be taken from you. Sleep practically has to be shaken from you when you're really tired. People slap themselves, yawn much louder than seems necessary... ask my roommate... I've done that... meaning I've yawned much higher and louder than one might appreciate in the morning... I don't think I've ever slapped myself very hard, although I might deserve one due to the annoyance I may cause those around me. In the midst of truth however, that is not my point.
My point is, sleep is a coveted prize by those who fail in achieving it. For example, this morning I was jealous of those sleepless hours I did nothing with only hours before that I would have given so much to put them to work at allowing me to sleep longer when I wanted it. And then my alarm... it has no respect for me. None whatsoever. It cares not at all for my emotions, and not at all for my well-being. Stupid alarm...
So I carried on and got ready for class at 8:30, for which I got there a minute late, but still in time to take my exam. Got through the exam seemingly painlessly, and went on my way. Chapel was at 9:30. I sat down, kept my blue jacket on in esteem for my shivery body. And sang a few hymns, and got ready to try to pay attention to the message. Not as many people come to Wednesday chapels because they're traditional. I don't really mind though, and I was already there in the same building from my previous class. As the speaker began to speak, I paid attention, but it wasn't what he said at the beginning that stuck with me this morning. It was at the end. He said he had three questions for us, one of which was, "Do you follow Jesus?" He mentioned how it is not asking if we "believe" in Jesus, or know "who" He is, but do we "follow" Him. I understood what this pastor was saying, and it's a question I've heard many times in my Christian home and upbringing. Following Christ is not passive, it is active... etc. I've heard the same message too many times to count really. But then. He had to go and use an illustration that was all too familiar. A little too recent in my memory. A little sensitive to the sleepy ache still just getting oiled out of my system. Recall my eyes still cranked open, even though they were beginning to work more on their own strength to stay open.
The alarm clock. He had to use an alarm clock as his illustration! He must know college students well, although I don't think I'm mislead to assume it is not only college students who don't always appreciate an alarm in the morning when they'd rather be sleeping soundly. The pastor mentioned how when God speaks to us, the more we ignore Him, the harder it is to hear Him the next time. And when we treat God like an alarm clock snooze button, we're kicking ourselves in the butt. We say we follow Christ. But. Only when we feel we've had enough sleep.
We're sleeping soundly. The noses of the air hum us a ceaseless lullaby as we hum back our even breathing. Cocooned in our blankets, at complete ease. And then the alarm clock goes off. Just like when we're in perfect comfort in our lives, we're unbothered by the things around us. We have not a care to confront the easiness with. No extra effort needs to be put out. We need only live. Until following Him takes a little more energy.
So, again I've gone over his little stories and illustrations since then... and ask myself again. "Do I follow Christ?" This question is not just implying when it is easy to follow Christ. For example, it is not saying "Is it easy to get up once you've slept the desired amount of hours?" Obviously there are certainly times I've woken up in the morning so alert it feels like someone shot me with a bullet of sunshine. Others... not so much! And similarly, there are times I feel so ready and excited to follow the Lord I don't even care what opposition I may face. So now... what about the mornings I feel shot with a literal bullet? The mornings or times I feel like I could die if I arose from my bed? Dramatic I know... but my mom told me I was dramatic when I was young so I figure why not use full reign of my dramatics whenever necessary?
The bottom line is this: If we follow Christ, we follow Him. Hands down. No further explanation necessary. Right? If God requires us to follow even when we have to wake up from a deprived sleep to an aching reality, we do it. We follow Him.
When I gave my life to God, I gave Him my life. So if He calls me to get out of bed already, how can I say I follow Him if I continually sleep in?
I want to follow.
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